Museum of Jurassic Technology

Re-branding a Los Angeles hidden gem.

Strategy + Identity + Enviormental

Graphic Designer


School assignment - Solo project - 2020

Brand Stradegy

  • Core Purpose

    The Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles, California is a dim labyrinth filled with obscure curiosities. The museum explores the connection between science, history, and art and it does so by exploring partially fictional myths.

  • Museum Presentation

    1. Create and present installations that use electromechanical, digital, and illusion-generating catoptric devices to create an environment that reflects the aesthetics and presentation practices of early museums of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries.

    2. Discover, exhibit, and preserve the work of accomplished mature artists who have remained unrecognized due to the unusual, marginal, or idiosyncratic nature of their art forms.

  • Big Idea

    The Museum of Jurassic Technology stands out with its eclectic collections and ominous feeling. The museum opens visitor’s imaginations through wondrous exhibits.


“Stay curious and approach life with a sense of wonder”


The logo uses two typefaces; Editorial New to call back to the museum’s historical presentation, and Pilowlava to represent it’s unique qualities.  Pilowlava must only be used as the call-out letters, which spells “curious”. This is the primary logo. 

  • Logo Variations

  • Brand Architecture

  • Color Applied

Utilizing Type

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The style of the icons derives from the interchanging typeface used in the logo. The icons use high contrast creating abstract shapes. Sticking with the theme of curiosity, the icons are meant to be quirky.

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Brand Pattern

I enlarged the forms of Pilowlava to create an abstract brand pattern. The shapes used in the pattern are the call-out letters: C, U R, I, O, U, and S.


The signage utilized the typeface Pilowlava used in the logo.

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Print Materials

Digital Materials
