Museum of Jurassic Technology Rebrand

Museum re-branding project


The Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles, California is an educational institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and the public appreciation of the Lower Jurassic.

I was asked to re-brand the Museum for my branding and strategy class senior year of college.

Brand strategy

Brand design

Instillation design


Research + Exploration

Before diving deep into the branding I explored 3 initial directions for the brand to go in. I will only be sharing the direction I moved forward with. I will be presenting my brand strategy and showcase how I applied my thinking to my visual design. To the right is a screenshot of an early messy illustrator file with some explorations.


Brand Stradegy

  • Core Purpose

    The Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles, California is an educational institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and the public appreciation of the Lower Jurassic. A dim labyrinthine filled with obscure curiosities. The museum explores the connection between science, history, and art and it does so by exploring partially real, partially fictional myths

  • Presentation

    1. Create and present installations that use electromechanical, digital, and illusion generating catoptric (mirror based) devices to create an environment that reflects the aesthetics and presentation practices of early museums of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries.

    2. Discover, exhibit, and preserve the work of accomplished mature artists who have remained unrecognized due to the unusual, marginal, or idiosyncratic nature of their art forms.

  • Big Idea

    The Museum of Jurassic Technology is unlike any other museum, leaving visitors confused about their experience rather than educated. The experience is in the eyes and mind of the beholder. The Museum makes visitors question life and dive deep into their imaginations through random wondrous exhibits.

“Stay curious and approach life with a sense of wonder”



The Museum of Jurassic Technology stands out amongst the crowd with its eclectic quirky collections and ominous feeling. The visual identity is inspired by the techniques of the Dada movement to represent the curiosities and asceticism the museum offers. Dada takes the ordinary things of everyday life and transforms them into visual diaries. Their work generated difficult questions about society, the role of the artist, and the purpose of art.

The logo used Editorial New and Pilowlava as the typefaces. Pilowlava must only be used as the call-out letters, which spell Curious This is the primary logo.

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  • Logo Variations

  • Brand Architecture

  • Color Applied

Utilizing Type

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The style of the icons derives from the interchanging typeface used in the logo. The icons use high contrast creating abstract shapes. Sticking with the theme of curiosity, the icons are meant to be quirky and strange-looking.

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Brand Pattern

I order to create these abstract fluid patterns we blew up and used the forms of Pilowlava. The forms below are only using our call-out forms; C, U R, I, O, U, S. Those forms should be the primary letters used in the pattern. If the pattern needs another form, any letter from the type family may be used. 

Brand Book.




The signage utilizes are iconography and the typeface Pilowlava that is used in the logo. We include our brand architecture into our signage, by using the call-out letterforms.  

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Print Materials

Digital Materials

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Mystic Rose Tarot